Sustainability Strategy

Together, we shape
a sustainable future

Building a sustainable future is our mission. Together, we move forward with environmental, social and economic responsibility, striving for a better world for all.

Sustainability at Sicredi

is business management focused on increasing our positive economic, social, environmental and
climate impact, reducing adverse impacts and generating value for members, employees, communities and other stakeholders.

Our sustainability strategy

The sustainability strategy helps us fulfill our mission, vision and values

We believe in the power of working together to promote positive change and develop our society in a sustainably. The funds raised become credit for other associates in the same region, in a virtuous cycle of economic, social, environmental and climate development. In this way, we generate value and transform the communities where we operate.

Learn more about our strategy
(portuguese only)

ESG at Sicredi

Due to our cooperative nature, we have had a close eye on our impacts ever since we were founded. This concern has been materialized in a robust sustainability strategy, which incorporates the best management practices on the subject and is based on four pillars: economic, social, environmental and governance. Our strategy incorporates the “ESG vision” of the market, understanding it as the very management for the sustainability of the business.

Positive Impacts

Together we build a more prosperous society

Our initiatives change the lives of the people and regions where we operate for the better. Find out how it works in practice.

Find out more (portuguese only)

Climate Change

Together for a more sustainable society

Climate change as a result of human activities is one of humanity’s greatest challenges today. Climate change, which is already being felt around the world, is a consequence of the growing emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Some of the effects of climate change include the rise in global average temperature, changes in rainfall patterns, sea level rise and a increased number of extreme events such as floods and storms. Find out how we are working to combat climate change.

Find out more (portuguese only)