
For over 120 years we have been making history and growing together

We are many, we are made of memory.

Sicredi's history


Establishment of the first credit cooperative in Latin America, in the city of Nova Petrópolis, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, now Sicredi Pioneira RS

On December 28, 1902, in Nova Petrópolis, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil's first credit cooperative was founded, the beginning of today's Sicredi.


Establishment of the Central das Caixas Rurais da União Popular of Rio Grande do Sul, now Sicredi União Metropolitana cooperative

Of the 22 credit cooperatives that existed in 1925, 20 founded the Central das Caixas Rurais da União Popular of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, at a General Meeting in the municipality of Santa Maria.


The National Financial System (SFN) reformulation - Federal Law n° 4.595/1964

This law has established normative restrictions on the cooperative banking operations.


The Federal Law 5.764/1971 was sanctioned, which defined the cooperative society legal regime

This law is known as “Cooperatives Law”, which has defined the Nacional Cooperative Policy and the cooperatives legal regime.


Promulgation of the New Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, with favorable legal conditions for cooperatives

With the new Constitution, cooperatives became more autonomous on its operations, what was desired by the cooperative movement since its origin.


The Cocecrer/RS cooperatives became integrated and set the Sicredi brand as standard

On July 10, 1992, as defined on the Extraordinary General Assembly, the Sicredi brand became the standard for all cooperatives of the cooperative system.


Bansicredi has started its operations and became the first Brazilian cooperative bank

The Bansicredi was build up to allow a better financial autonomy to the system cooperatives and a more integrated and efficient access to the financial markets and special finance programs.


Sicredi became a World Council of Credit Unions - WOCCU member

The association to the World Council of Credit Unions was a huge achievement.


Confederação Sicredi establishment

Confederação Sicredi is an entity that provides shared infrastructure, services, and processing tools for the system cooperatives.


Corretora de Seguros Sicredi establishment

Corretora de Seguros Sicredi is an insurance company owned by Banco Cooperativo Sicredi and brings more security and tranquility to our associates


Fundação Sicredi establishment

Our foundation works to promote the sustainability and cooperation through educational, cultural, cooperative, and sustainable initiatives.


Administradora de Consórcios Sicredi establishment

Administradora de Consórcios Sicredi provides Consórcio products for the System members through the System cooperatives.


Sicredi Participações – SicrediPar establishment

On October 10, 2009, Sicredi Participações S.A. was founded.


Sicredi Fundos Garantidores – SFG establishment

SFG was created to manage the system guarantee funds, which protect the electronic transactions, system entities financial recovery, and the liquidity of demand deposits.


Strategic partnership with Rabobank, a Dutch Cooperative Bank

Sicredi has signed up an international partnership with the Rabo Financial Institutions Development BV, a Rabobank Group member, a Dutch Cooperative Bank.


Strategic partnership with the International Finance Corporation – IFC

Sicredi has signed up an international partnership with the International Finance Corporation – IFC, a World Bank Group member.


First Sicredi Sustainability Policy approval

Besides the elaboration of our first Sustainability Policy, was also set up the Central Sustainability Committee, an intrinsic thematic to our corporate culture and business model.


International Year of Cooperatives, declared by the United Nations – UN

2012 was declared by the United Nations as the International Year of Cooperatives, highlighting the contribution of cooperatives to socio-economic development, particularly their impact on poverty reduction, employment generation and social integration.


Fundo Garantidor do Cooperativismo de Crédito – FGCoop establishment

A huge achievement for the Brazilian credit cooperativism, the fund is regulated by the National Monetary Council Resolution number 4.284 / 2013.


First Systemic Financial Statement disclosure

In line with the authorization from the Central Bank and the National Monetary Council, Sicredi has published its first combined financial statements, a form of accountability that demonstrates the effective size of the System.


Sicredi Asset Management constitution and new systemic brand

We expanded investment possibilities for our associates through Sicredi Asset Management, the responsible firm to manage the portfolio, develop investment strategies, and market evaluation.


Beginning of the process to join the United Nations Global Compact

In December 2019, the Board of Directors of SicrediPar, the cooperatives and the central cooperatives voted for Sicredi to become a member of the United Nations Global Compact.


Father Theodor Amstad named Patron of Brazilian Cooperativism

Founder of our first cooperative, was officially named patron of Brazilian cooperativism in recognition of his pioneering spirit and importance in spreading the concept.


Sicredi's actions in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic

Sicredi has been with the population, providing the necessary assistance to members, employees and communities in the face of the new Coronavirus (COVID 19).


Sicredi neutralizes its greenhouse gas emissions

In support of a forest conservation project, more than 35,000 tons of carbon dioxide were neutralized.


Sicredi launches Cooperação na Ponta do Lápis Program

Formed by planned actions, the initiative seeks to bring financial education to the regions where the cooperative financial institution operates, with the aim of directly supporting members and local communities.


National launch of the Comitê Mulher Program

An initiative that promotes gender equality, empowerment and the training of women so that they can increasingly take on leading roles in cooperatives and communities.


Beginning of the Open Banking process

Sicredi has voluntarily decided to participate in all phases of the implementation, bringing all the benefits of the novelty to its members. As a result, it will be present at all four stages of implementation.


Forbes award: Sicredi among the best financial institutions in Brazil

Sicredi won 7th place as the best financial institution in Brazil, the best with a physical and digital presence, with more than 2,000 branches across the country, 300 products and services and the only cooperative in the top 10.


Sicredi gets top rating from Moody's agency

The rating was upgraded from AA+ to AAA.


Sicredi expands its investment portfolio with the launch of its Home Broker

Aiming to support the democratization of access to investments and demystify variable income operations.


Sicredi is certified by ESG Risk Rating

Sicredi is rated "Low Risk" and ranks among the top 20 diversified banks in the world in terms of environmental, social and governance issues according to Morningstar Sustainalytics.


Sicredi's administrative center is the most sustainable building in Brazil

With 88 points, the structure was recertified by LEED with the best score in the country for operation and maintenance.


Sicredi issues Brazil's first public Sustainable Bond by a financial institution

Raising R$780 million, the funds will be converted into credit for projects aligned with good social and environmental practices.


New Law 196/22 modernizes credit cooperatives in Brazil

The new law has modernized several rules for credit cooperatives in Brazil by amending Complementary Law No. 130 of April 17, 2009.


End of strategic partnership with the International Finance Corporation - IFC

As provided for in the shareholders' agreement, IFC ceased to hold a stake in Banco Cooperativo Sicredi. The shares were repurchased in September 2023 by Sicredi Participações.

Sicredi's history

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Showing the evolution and cooperative essence as a differential in Sicredi’s operating model.

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