Banco Cooperativo Sicredi S.A.

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  • Banco Cooperativo Sicredi S.A.
  • Boards and Committees
  • Documents

Banco Cooperativo Sicredi

Created in 1995, following a resolution by the National Monetary Council authorizing credit unions to become commercial banks, it was the first private cooperative bank in Brazil. It promotes the System’s access to the financial market, develops and provides financial products and services. It is responsible for the System’s centralized risk management structure and scaled administration of resources. Its strategic partner is Rabo Partnerships B.V.

The Bank’s shareholding is made up of SicrediPar with 91.62% and Rabo Partnerships B.V. with 8.38%.

Board of Officers

The Board of Executive Officers is a collegiate body whose role is established in the Company’s Bylaws. It is the body responsible for executing the strategy approved by the Board of Directors, ensuring compliance with the programs and measures in the form of policies related to ethics, internal controls and compliance that form part of the organization’s guidelines, as well as guaranteeing a transparent and long-term relationship with stakeholders. Directors are elected by the Board of Directors for a three-year term. The terms of office run until the members elected take office at the first Board Meeting following the Annual General Meeting. For directors elected by Banco Cooperativo Sicredi, they take office after approval by the Central Bank.

Name Office Election Date Mini Currículo
César Bochi Chief Executive Officer 24/08/2022

Holds a Master’s degree in Economics and a Bachelor’s degree in Administration and Finance from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Executive with over 28 years’ experience in the management of cooperative financial institutions. Since 2022, has been CEO of Banco Cooperativo Sicredi and the Sicredi Confederation, a group of companies responsible for developing solutions, products and services, technology and processes that meet the needs of all 105 cooperatives and five regional centrals in the country.

Alexandre Englert Barbosa Chief Financial Officer 24/08/2022

Holds a master’s degree and a PhD in Economics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Has over 20 years’ experience in the financial market, was awarded the Economist of the Year Prize by Corecon-RS and has had his economic projections ranked among the best by the Central Bank, Agência Estado, Prisma Fiscal and Bloomberg. Has worked as an economist at Federasul and the Federation of Industries of the State of RS. Was also Economist, Economics and Risk Manager, Risk Superintendent and Treasurer at Banco Cooperativo Sicredi.

Gustavo Freitas Executive Credit Officer 25/02/2021

Holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Economics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), MBA in Controller from FIPECAFI and MBA in Product and Service Engineering from USP. With more than 18 years’ experience in the financial market, has worked as a Risk Advisor and Analyst at Sicredi, Market Risk Supervisor at Banco Votorantim, Credit Risk Manager at Itaú Unibanco and Credit Risk Superintendent at Sicredi.

Marcus Barboza Executive Risk Officer 15/05/2023

Has a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from UFRJ, a Master’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering from ITA, CFA charterholder and a Postgraduate degree in Strategic Risk Management from the Wharton School. Developed his career in the risk area and worked at Itaú Unibanco, Cielo and Banco Safra. From 2018 to 2021, was at the Sicredi Administrative Center (CAS) as Superintendent of Credit and Socio-Environmental Risks. Has experience in risk management for financial institutions, Basel, asset pricing, and M&A.

Ricardo Green Sommer Executive Third-Party Resource Management Officer 25/02/2021

Has a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, an Executive MBA from IESE and a Specialization in Economics and Finance from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – (UFRGS). Is Director of Third Party Resources at Sicredi Asset, and has over 20 years’ experience in the financial market.

Fiscal Council

The duties of the Fiscal Council are to supervise, by any of its members, the actions of the managers, to verify compliance with their legal and statutory duties, and to report to the Board of Directors the conclusions of its work, warning it of any irregularities found. All are elected at a general meeting for a one-year term.

The composition of the Fiscal Council of SicrediPar and the Bank is the same.

Name Office Election Date
Egídio Morsch
Effective Member
Sicredi Chairman Centro Serra RS
Nomination: Central Sicredi Sul/Sudeste
Wardes Lemos
Effective Member
Sicredi Chairman Campo Grande
Nomination: Central Sicredi Brasil Central
Laércio Lenz
Effective Member
Sicredi Chairman Celeiro
Nomination: Central Sicredi Centro Norte
Santo Cappellari
Effective Member
Sicredi Chairman Centro Sul PR/SC/RJ
Nomination: Central Sicredi PR/SC/RJ
Edvaldo Maia Filho
Effective Member
Sicredi Chairman Expansão
Nomination: Central Sicredi Nordeste
Luciano Kluppel
Alternate Member
Sicredi Chairman Novos Horizontes PR/SP
Nomination: Central SicrediPR/SP/RJ
Marco Túlio
Alternate Member
Sicredi Chairman Integração
Nomination: Central Sicredi Centro Norte
Carmo Spies
Alternate Member
Sicredi Chairman Planalto Central
Nomination: Central Sicredi Brasil Central
Floriano Quintas
Alternate Member
Sicredi Chairman Recife
Nomination: Central Sicredi Nordeste
Tiago Schmidt
Alternate Member
Sicredi Chairman Pioneira RS
Nomination: Central Sicredi Sul/Sudeste
Board of Directors

It is made up of thirteen members, five of whom are presidents of the central cooperatives, five representatives of individual cooperatives (one per central cooperative), one representative appointed by Rabo Partnerships B.V. and one independent director. All are elected at a general meeting for a three-year term.

The composition of the Board of Directors of SicrediPar and the Bank is the same.

Name Office Election Date
Fernando DallAgnese Chairman of the Board of Directors of SicrediPar mar/2024
Celso Ronaldo Raguzzoni Figueira Board Member of SicrediPar and Chairman of Central Sicredi Brasil Central mar/2024
Manfred Alfonso Dasenbrok Board Member of SicrediPar and Chairman of Central Sicredi PR/SP/RJ mar/2024
João Carlos Spenthof Board Member of SicrediPar and Chairman of Central Sicredi Centro Norte mar/2024
Wilson Ribeiro de Moraes Filho Board Member of SicrediPar and Chairman of Central Sicredi Nordeste mar/2024
Márcio Port Board Member of SicrediPar and Chairman of Central Sicredi Sul/Sudeste mar/2024
Sidnei Strejevitch Board Member of SicrediPar and Chairman of a Sicredi União RS/ES mar/2024
Jaime Basso Board Member of SicrediPar and Chairman of Cooperativa Sicredi Vale do Piquiri ABCD PR/SP mar/2024
Antonio Geraldo Wrobel Board Member of SicrediPar and Chairman of Sicredi Sudoeste MT / PA mar/2024
Zeir Ascari Board Member of SicrediPar and Chairman of Sicredi Cerrado GO mar/2024
João Bezerra Júnior Board Member of SicrediPar and Chairman of Sicredi Evolução mar/2024
Andiara Petterle Independent Board Member of SicrediPar mar/2024
Cornelis Beijer (Kees) Board Member of SicrediPar and Representative of Rabo Partnerships mar/2024
Support Committees for the Bank's Board of Directors

The Support Committees have the function of analyzing certain matters in greater depth and making recommendations to SicrediPar’s Board of Directors, which is responsible for deciding on them. The Committees do not make decisions.

Risk and Capital Committee
Remuneration Committee
Audit Committee